This is a non traditional tart made from traditional Hunza ingredients.

I wanted to create a dessert but still maintain the healthy benefits of the ingredients of my valley.

My tart is sweet yet not sweet, moist but not wet, serve it with icecream or yoghurt.

I hope you enjoy…. 🙂


base;  10 mins.

filling; 20mins

cooking time; 40 mins

total time;  1 hr 10 mins  please allow 2 hrs for refridgeration


Pie flan 20 cm diameter

food processor  or blender

apple peeler,      saucepan

spoon,  bowl

baking paper



1 cup fresh ground dagowang (whole flour)

1/4 cup Zhuway Hanee (apricot kernels)

1/4 cup Teli (walnuts)

1/4 cup xil (water)


8 medium Baalt (green apples)

1/2 cup dried Zhuu (apricots) roughly chopped

1 tspoon finely grated lemon rind

1/2- 1 cup orange juice


1 cup Daichuroom (chapatti crumble)

1/2 cup rapadura sugar


Put the whole flour, kernels and walnuts into food processor and grind on high for 2 minutes, or until of fine consistency.  Slowly add the water with the processor running on a medium speed, until all is combined.

Line the base of the 20 cm round flan with baking paper and butter/oil the sides well.  Press the flour and nut mixture firmly int the flan.  Refrigerate until needed.

Peel and thinly slice the apples.  Place apples, apricot pieces, lemon rind and orange juice into saucepan and gently cook until apples are soft and most of juice absorbed.  Stirring regularly.   Allow to cool slightly.

Spoon the apple mixture over the flan base and smooth to the edges.

Mix chapatti crumble and rapudura  sugar together and crumble over to of flan.

Bake in a moderate oven (160) for 30-40 mins.  Leave to cool.  Refrigerate for at least 2 hours overnight if possible.

Serve warm or cold with your favourite ice cream, cream or yogurt.